STATICSAFE® Products produce a sturdy 14 & 16 gauge steeland stainless steel cabinets of various sizes, which conveniently storecircuit boards in a secure and grounded environment to protect them fromimpact and ESD events. FEATURESINCLUDE: static dissipative (106-109)paint, multiple grounding lug locations, patented stainless steel groundingstem independent of the outside metal of the cabinet, doors which can beremoved or locked in place, static dissipative painted metal shelves, plasticshelf liners which are permanently static dissipative, and Wrist strapgrounding points on center post. OPTIONSINCLUDE: Static dissipative painted flat metal shelvesfor boxed storage, locking 5 1/2" drawers that will fit in either sideof cabinet at any location, top, middle, or bottom; easy shelf installationusing patented adjustable drop-in rack system, single or double shelf racks,fully adjustable shelf rack for storage of circuit boards up to 19", removableor lockable bi-fold doors. CUSTOMIZABLE:STATIC SAFE® Products can customize cabinets for specificapplications including drawers numerous configurations to meet your specificrequirements. Let us customize cabinets for you today! STATICSAFE® Cabinets and Carts Protect Printed Circuit Boardsand Electronic Assets from Electro Static Discharge (ESD). ESD destroys printedcircuit boards, electronics and magnetic media. Independent industry studiesshow that ESD ruins hundreds of millions of dollars of these electronicassets yearly. A key to securingprinted circuit boards is static safe storage cabinets and carts that preventESD damage. STATICSAFE® Products designs and manufactures cabinets and carts thathelpprevent ESD. |