Static Safe Products Home Page: ESD Protection, Secure Cabinets, Workstation CabinetStatic Safe Products Home Page: Military, Industrial, Telecom, Medical, ESD Protection, Secure Cabinets, Workstation Cabinet
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Deployable E-Tool Cabinet
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Model 5322
5322 Cabinet
Model 2622
2622 Cabinet
Model 3624
3624 Cabinet
Model 2122M
Mobile Cart
2122M Cabinet
Model SSC24C
Mobile Cart
24 Cart
Static Safe Products Home Page: Military, Industrial, Telecom, Medical, Electro-Static Discharge Protection, ESD Secure Cabinet, Workstation CabinetSTATICSAFE® Cabinets and Carts ProtectPrinted Circuit Boards and Electronic Assets from Electro Static Discharge(ESD).

ESD destroys printedcircuit boards, electronics and magnetic media. Independent industry studiesshow that ESD ruins hundreds of millions of dollars of these electronicassets yearly.

A key to securingprinted circuit boards is static safe storage cabinets and carts that preventESD damage.

STATICSAFE® PRODUCTS designs and manufactures cabinets and carts thathelpprevent ESD.

LAPTOPLOCK-UP® makes Laptops, Notebooks, Netbooks, Handhelds, andE-tools more efficient by providing Communications, Battery Charging, andSecurity in a Computer Storage Cabinet.
Laptop Lock-up®
10 Drawer Model
(pictured below)
Laptop Lockup 10 drawer

Laptop Lock-up®
11 Drawer Aluminun
E-Tool Model
(pictured below)
Laptop Lock-up® LL-10-07-AL 11-DRAWER E-TOOL CABINET ESD Protection

Laptop Lock-up®
Model LL-16/20-07-CAC
(pictured below)
Laptop Lock-Up Model LL-16/20-07-CAC Front View: Secure Laptop Cabinet, Secure Laptop Charging

Laptop Lock-up®
5 Drawer Model
(pictured below)
Laptop Lockup 5 Drawer

Laptop Lock-up®
20 Drawer Model
(pictured below)
Laptop Lock-Up Model LL 20 Front View

(pictured below)
Laptop Lock-Up Deployable E-Tool Cabinet Model LL7D-07
(front view)

Amobile workforce using laptops and handhelds is a powerful instrument toservice customers and make them more efficient and profitable.

These laptopsand handhelds bring new concerns:

  • Charging the stored notebook's battery,
  • The battle to keep data on notebooks updatedand company databases refreshed,
  • Laptops are easily stolen,
  • Computer laptop security cabinets must besimple to set up and maintain.
LAPTOPLOCK-UP® answers these issues:
  • Patented, coiled communications wiring systemprovides dial tone or local area network communications connections tolaptops, notebooks, netbooks, and handhelds.
  • Battery charging is done in the notebook securitycabinets during off hours.
  • When not in use, laptops, notebooks, handhelds,and e-tools are safely locked and secured in the computer cabinet.
  • Drastically reduced total cost of ownershipusing a patented coiled wiring system for both communications and batterycharging.
LAPTOPLOCK-UP® – a tool that makes laptops, notebooks, netbooks, handhelds,and e-tools more efficient, makes mobile workers better able to servicecustomers, and makes organizations more profitable.


LAPTOPLOCK-UP® cabinets provide safe storage, chargingand communication solutions for deployable military maintenance techniciansthroughout the United States and OCONUS.
Each technician is assigned an individuallykeyed drawer to store their ruggedized computer. The drawer has the capabilityto charge the laptop battery and connect the laptop to the WLAN througha data communication connection provided by a patented coiled Cat 6 wiringsystem with an Ethernet switch.

Wireless LAN solutions from STATICSAFE® PRODUCTS enable organizations to extend thereach of their enterprise networks beyond offices and other wired facilities.With WLAN technology, users in remote or hard-to-wire locations such asaircraft flight lines and
landing decks can access databases, informationand applications just as if they were connected to the wired enterpriseLAN. This E-Tool cabinet can be used as a solution for various deployablemissions and assignments.

Laptop Lock-Up Deployable E-Tool Cabinet Model LL7D-07 (Rear View )
Static-Safe® Products Company, Inc. - (866) 937-6391 Fax: (507) 281-4077e-mail: